Oyster Bay Public School

Each For All

TelephonePrimary 9528 7525 Infants 9528 8182


Walker Learning Approach

Walker Learning Approach

The Walker Learning Approach engages children in exciting, personalised and authentic learning experiences that reflect the particular needs, interests and strengths of the individual child. It ensures a greater level of engagement for all students. It also supports the increase of oral language for all children regardless of their linguistic background and integrates rich literacy and numeracy into all learning experiences. (Walker 2009)

The WLA provides a platform of evidence, research and practical strategies which seek high levels of student engagement, motivation and personalise learning; and for students to build independence while acquiring skills not just ‘content’

Oyster Bay PS is the first accredited school in NSW and is a ‘Lighthouse School’ for all other schools wishing to take this pedagogical approach.  OBPS held its first study tour for educators from all over NSW in 2021. Every classroom is structured utilising the WLA and all staff have been trained. 

At OBPS our students ‘learn HOW to learn’.