Oyster Bay Public School

Each For All

TelephonePrimary 9528 7525 Infants 9528 8182


Split site

Although the school is Kindergarten to Year 6, the school is located on separate sites, 300 metres apart.

The Phillip Street site has classes Kindergarten to Year 2 whilst the Short Street site has Years 3 to 6. This creates some variations in terms of administration and organisation, but opportunities are provided whenever possible to combine Primary and Infants children for special activities such as sports afternoons, special assemblies, visiting performers.  

A successful buddy system also operates between sites. A special transition program for Year 2 operates in Term 4 each year to enable a smooth transition to the primary site.  

Staff meetings for school planning and policy-making are held each week for Kindergarten to Year 6. Professional development of staff is reported on in the school newsletter.