Oyster Bay Public School

Each For All

TelephonePrimary 9528 7525 Infants 9528 8182


Art and crafts festival

The inaugural Oyster Bay Art and Craft festival was held in 1970. The festival is the biggest of its kind in the southern part of sydney and has become a tradition of the school.

Each year since its inception, thousands of dollars worth of educational resources go directly into classrooms and school programs as a result of this highly successful fundraising event. The wonderful support of parents and the Oyster Bay community has meant that this event has grown and thrived.

Staff, students and parents work closely together to plan the festival each year. The festival is renowned far and wide for its excellent organisation and the very high standard of exhibits for purchase and playground activities for the children.  

The committment of parents both during the festival weekend and in the many months of planning which precede the event is outstanding. Their staff and children gratefully acknowledge the dedication and enthusiasm that make it all possible.

The festival opens each year with the opening night activities on the Friday night including an auction, entertainment and presentation of art and craft awards. The rest of the weekend is filled with numerous art and craft stalls, rides and games for the children, a variety of entertainment as well as performances by the Oyster Bay Public School bands, choirs and dance groups.

After so many years, the children of Oyster Bay still await the last weekend in May with great anticipation. For more information or to offer much needed assistance, visit the Oyster Bay Art and crafts festival website.